

2. Web Design Elements

Complete Web sites are constructed of different "elements" working together to achieve a desired result. Web Design Elements are properties of a web site dealing directly with management of the look and feel of the web site. This may include layout options (such as the blueprint of your house), image construction (your company logo representation), colors of the site, and much more. The following Design Elements are available to you to add to existing packages or custom solutions.

2.1 Logo design (web only)           3 days $
2.2 Logo design (web & print capable) 7 days $
2.3 Flash Intro (one stage, no audio) 3-4 days $
2.4 Advanced Flash Intro (up to 3 stages + audio) 1-2 weeks $
2.5 Select Design From Library 2 days $
2.6 Create Custom Design concept 1 week $
2.7 Visual Element Adjustment 1-2 days $
2.8 Color Scheme Change 1-2 days $
2.9 Image Suggestion 3-4/days $
2.10 Image Editing 3-4/days $

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